Thursday 16 May 2013

Find Out

"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating.” Kofi Annan.

“Information is the oxygen of the modern age.” Ronald Reagan.

I think we have something common with them. We believe in information. If a man has to learn everything through his own experience, we would still be stuck with rocks to light a fire.

FindOut is an iPhone/iPodTouch application which brings information to your fingertips wherever it is. It trawls through voluminous amounts of data out there on the Internet and matches it to your requirement. For this it makes use of two very efficient Discussion Forum and FAQ search engines, Omgili and SnappyFingers, which have made out a niche for themselves in their respective areas independently. We bring you the best of both.

The next time, you have a question or require information, about anything, opinions, debates, discussions, personal experiences, answers, solutions, etc., just post it on FindOut to really find out the power of Internet

iTunes Link:

iPhone Screenshot 1

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